We are excited that you have chosen Integrity Home Education as a partner in your student(s) journey through education.

This registration form must be completed by the legal parent or guardian of the student. The entire form must be completed. If there is something you think does not apply to you mark it NA and we will review it for accuracy.

This form must be filled out and submitted for each student you are enrolling.
Once you complete one student refresh or come back to this page and fill it out for the next student.

Once we receive your submission(s) we will send you an invoice via email for your total. Enrollment will not be processed until the payment has been made in full. Partial payments are not accepted. Payment must be made within 5 days of receiving the invoice.

Please know that all fees are non-refundable once they have been submitted.

Do not remove your student(s) from their current school until you have received a confirmation from us.

Email is our primary way of communication. It is required that at least one of the parents or guardians maintain an actively monitored email account.

Immunization Exemption forms can be found here for both medical and religious exemption.

Family/Student(s) Registration Form

School Year 2024/2025

Family Information

Student Information

Required Records
